March 18, 2012

Sexy kitchen faucets...

We just got these two new faucets in the showroom and I've already sold the Kohler faucet to two people. These are fabulous faucets that look not only look great, but, are functional and efficient. If you have granite counters, one hole for the faucet looks clean and is the current trend.  The Kohler faucet has a pause button and two different streams of spray and the Elkay, well, that just looks fabulous don't you think?? 

The Kohler faucet lists for under $300 in chrome, brushed nickel and oil rubbed bronze

The new redesigned Avado lists for $575-$748

The Avado would look great in a contemporary or transitional designed kitchen, but, it could look really unique in a country setting too...? Which do you like?

(images kohler & elkay)

If you need assistance decorating your kitchen or bath, please contact me at 


  1. They are both gorgeous - wish we could something like that for a reasonable price in Australia! For my home, I would definately choose the first one though. It has a great mix of contemporary and traditional!

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