January 8, 2013

Best of MI...That touch of pink...oh yea...

Hello bloggers! I'm back with another edition of my 'Best of' series and I love this simply because it is all about pink!  I love pink and these images are so great and that cupcake, well, I just had dinner and wish I could eat one right now! Hope you are all having a great week - thanks for stopping by and enjoy the images - ;-)) oh, and as always you can view my inspiration here -

It started with the gorgeous pink cupcake which led to all different views of pink in all its glory. Pastel, bright, soft...pink is fine in any form, don't you agree??




Everyone looks fabulous in pink!!

Pink + white = perfection

I know this room has been seen before, but its one of my all time faves!

All images are from my new OBSESSION...PINTEREST!!  

If you want to decorate or redecorate but aren't sure where to start, I can help! Please send me an email at monacointeriors76@yahoo.com for more information.  

1 comment:

  1. Your pink obsession is close to my love for purple! Great post.
